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Information portals

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32 portals found

AQ data AQ Forecasting AQ Management AQ Monitoring
The website provides real-time data on the sources of air pollution in the city and is expected to help the Delhi government frame effective policies to curb it. The website reflects data collected and processed by two laboratories — a ‘super site’ and a mobile laboratory. The laboratories were used for the “real-time source apportionment study”, under which data on Delhi’s air were collected over many months and a model (software) created, which shows the sources of air pollution by using air from the surroundings as input.
Environmental Insights Explorer
AQ data AQ Management AQ Monitoring
Google and its partners have mapped street-by-street air pollution in Hamburg, Dublin, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, London, and Bengaluru. Air quality can vary by as much as 800% between and within city streets. Developing a deeper understanding of air quality can inform actions to make things better.
Portal for Regulation of Air Pollution in Non-Attainment Cities (PRANA)
The PRANA portal, hosted by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) aids in tracking the progress of the implementation of India's National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) across non-attainment cities in India. It supports the tracking of physical as well as financial statuses of the implementation of city clean air action plans, while also aiding in disseminating information on air quality management efforts under the NCAP.
NCAP Tracker
AQ Monitoring Clean Air Action Plan NCAP
The NCAP Tracker, hosted by ClimateTrends and Respirer Living Sciences, is a policy tracker with updates on the implementation of India's National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) and its effectiveness. It analyses air quality data compiled from government-run monitoring stations and reviews the programme’s progress in achieving its targets for 2024.
Emission Inventory AQ Management
UrbanEmissions.Info is an online data and information portal that aims to share knowledge on air pollution in India, publish science-based air quality analyses, as well as advocate for and build awareness on air quality management, while attempting to further local, national and international partnerships.
IndAIR - Indian Air Quality Studies Interactive Repository
The IndAIR portal, hosted by the CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-NEERI) and the CPCB, targets promoting science as a tool for air pollution mitigation by serving as a platform for air quality research in India across domains, so as to aid in providing a better understanding of the air pollution crisis.
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India Clean Air Connect is designed and executed by Sensing Local and Asar Social Impact Advisors, with support from the India Climate Collaborative, EdelGive Foundation, and Open Philanthropy.

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India Clean Air Connect is conceived as a platform to aggregate knowledge and resources from the air quality ecosystem in India for the benefit of the larger community. The ownership of the information does not lie with the host of this website but belongs to the contributors. 

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