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National Workshop on Low Emission Zones in Cities


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19 Feb 2024

Event time:

19 Feb 2024

About the Event

The ICCT in collaboration with NITI Aayog is organizing a one-day workshop on Low Emission Zones (LEZs) in Indian cities. LEZs, designated areas where certain vehicles, particularly those with high emissions, are restricted or prohibited, have proven effective in reducing air pollution worldwide. Additionally, LEZs play a crucial role in promoting the adoption of electric vehicles, aligning with NITI Aayog’s proactive advocacy in this area.

The workshop, in association with the Raahgiri Foundation & SUM Network, is scheduled for February 19, 2024, in New Delhi, and aims to raise awareness about LEZ benefits, discuss best practices for LEZ implementation in Indian cities, and formulate a roadmap for future actions.

About the organiser

The ICCT is an independent, nonprofit research organization founded to provide exceptional, objective, timely research and technical and scientific analysis to environmental regulators. Our work empowers policymakers and others worldwide to improve the environmental performance of road, marine, and air transportation to benefit public health and mitigate climate change.

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